Friday, 6 November 2015

Wake Up! Pope releases Pop-Rock album

Pope Francis has shown he is ready to take on the religious world, now he is set to take on the music world with a progressive rock album SkyNews reports.
Entitled Wake Up!, the 11-track album was launched at a fairly sombre ceremony within the Vatican walls - unfortunately not attended by the frontman himself. The pontiff's foray into the music world is a selection of his public speeches, put to various styles of music ranging from pop and rock, to Latin chant.
Francis' simple, down-to-earth style served as inspiration for the album, producer and artistic director Don Giulio Neroni said. Composers Dino Doni and Toni Pagliuca hoped their arrangements would help lend support to Francis' words.
"We took into consideration Pope Francis' speeches, speeches he made in various countries around the world, with diverse themes," said Mr Doni.
"We hope we have delivered a different arrangement for this work but also that we have managed to maintain the emotional and psychological aspect of the pope.
"The music may in some way help to deliver the message of Pope Francis."
Wake Up! is released in Italy today, with producers saying it will be released worldwide at a later date.

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